Messages for the Times Ahead

This was a Chanelling that came in on October 28th, 2024, when I sat down to do a reading for the collective. I thought it was really important messages coming in that are relevant for the next months and even years that are coming now. So I transcribed the Video (you can watch the video on my Youtube Channel) to put the messages on my blog.


A new world is going to be created. A big rain,  a lot of rain washes away the old and something new will emerge from that. It’s a big transformation. It can be smooth, but it can also be hard, when we are resisting. It depends on how open we are to evolve and to change and also to die. There is the chance to receive a lot of high frequency, high energy. I see this like a stream of energy entering through your crown and moving through your whole body. And I see this vast landscape and I hear: A change of scenery. And this can be personal but I feel it more on a collective level. Like how a landscape is changing. 

There can be fire - I see like a little bomb exploding in the distance. It can feel disturbing, chaotic, it feels like the time of Noahs Arch, the GREAT FLOOD. When it’s just raining and raining and everything loosens up and is changing form. I feel a lot of change within myself, the body opening up and releasing and changing it’s energy.

Why is it important to see a specific landscape?

Cleaning, change of scenery. And I actually also see a big wave, like floating over the landscape and changing it. I hear and I see: The HEAVENS OPEN and there is a lot of guidance coming in… actually not necessarily guidance, but PRESENCE coming in, witnessing and guarding the process. And it’s very golden. It’s like a golden sphere around us. It’s guarded. It’s a process that is closely watched and guarded and also guided. It is initiated. It is very intentional what is happening right now. This is also the message for us to ALLOW. And I can feel resistance in my heart area when I hear this word. It can be a challenge for us to allow, to really surrender and open up with this. It can help to focus on the heart and to intentionally work with that, to intentionally open up and feel into your heart and to feel kindness in your heart space. Clearing and healing the heart space. There is healing and clearing in this are and there also NEEDS to be healing and clearing in this area. And then the energy can flow and connect you … it can flow freely again and connect you to the earth very very secure and very very safe and that is how we surrender. We cannot surrender if we feel unsafe, or if we feel ungrounded. And this is not something that comes from the mind, it comes from the body, that is why it is so important to work with the body. To really focus on working with the body this week and even longer. It’s a process right now. It serves a great purpose. I just saw the Merkaba-Star. Two triangles: one connecting us to Spirit and one connecting us to the Earth (there is actually much more to it then that). Divine Centering. It’s a very divine process. I am also hearing the word crystallization, not really sure what it means. A crystallization process. It feels very clearing and like when you restructure water to a specific frequency, or sand (when they work with sound and the vibrations form new patterns). So there is a restructuring of energy and I think that’s what’s meant with crystallization process. So we are being restructured in our CORE, in our body even, on a fundamental level. On a structural level, on a core level. We are being restructured and we are arranging our energy in a different way. We are not actively doing this (it’s more like just done to us) but we can support it by paying attention to and allowing the process. And I think the restructuring has a lot to do with the shape of the Merkaba. 

I hear WATER. So, water is important. Water really helps to clear out everything. It takes things away. It helps with healing. It supports the process of clearing. 

I See an Owl, it’s very very close, like right in my face. The message is look very very closely. You have the wise one inside of you. Look at yourself and the world and what is happening through your inner Owl. Imagine yourself like looking through the eyes of an Owl. A being that has the ability to see things from a different perspective, from a higher perspective and to see more - the BIGGER PICTURE. But also to see detailed, very very detailed. And that is very important right now, to look closely at the details right now. It especially means the details within yourself, the details of your own journey, your own process.

Very beautiful and light energy is coming in. Interestingly it fills my whole left side. It feels like an alchemical process, as if you are a glass where somebody is doing an alchemical process. And on one side of the glass is one liquid and on the other side of the glass is another liquid and in between is a barrier. And now those two need to merge. And this can feel like an interesting process. It is coming from the left side. Letting more Heart energy to the right side, which is more connected to logic and analytical thinking. But there is more to it then that. A DOOR NEEDS TO BE OPENED. Actually: THE DOORS NEED TO BE OPENED. And I perceive this as having different portals within my body and all of them need to be opened. It is as if there where like little holes in those portals and slowly the energy can move onto the other side and they can mix. (THE ALCHEMICAL WEDDING) I am not getting more on that, but this is all we need to know right now and then figure out the rest for ourselves. 

But yes, there is an emphasize on working with the body and to be very mindful and intentional with how we use our bodies. How we treat our body. And how our body actually is the portal to … I wanna say some things, but I have the feeling that they are coming from my logical mind. The body is the portal for the Soul - obviously. I have the feeling that I am not getting something more specific right now. I just heard the word: Enlightenment. And I heard it when I was focusing on my third eye and saw like a little candle flame lighting up right there. That’s a cute picture. This is the process we are in right now, opening us up to higher truths, to seeing more, seeing the truth, seeing what is really relevant.

I am seeing some caves right now. I don’t know what that means. I have the feeling that it’s a specific place, but I don’t know this place and I don’t know what it means. (It was like a rocky wall, a cliff across the sea or an ocean, sandstone color, and various different caves right next to each other. The weather is nice and warm and sunny.)

This reading is not just for this week, it is for a longer period of time. This is a wave, the next wave. This is the wave we’re on right now, like the energetic wave. We are reaching a peak and then it will go down again and then changing into something else, the next wave. 

I am seeing a lot of pain coming up and within some people this will turn into anger, not only anger but… there is a chance that it will culminate into acts of brutality. And you need to be aware of that. Whenever emotions culminate in acts like that, pain is never being released it’s only being reproduced or even extended. More pain is being added. It feels almost BIBLICAL. It feels like the story of Cain and Abel. Like killing your brother - and that hit home right now, I can really feel that. And this is something we need to remember, like everything that we are doing to each other, we are doing to ourselves, to our own flesh and blood. It’s never about the other, it’s always about ourselves. IT’S NEVER ABOUT THE OTHER, IT’S ALWAYS ABOUT OURSELVES.

This is important to understand and if things like that happen it’s really important for us to connect to the emotions that the information about things like that causes within ourselves. It’s important to tend to the emotions, to go inward and to sit with the emotions that lie underneath the anger that might get triggered. This is very very important. And it’s a huge chance! It’s not nice, it’s not a nice, or comfortable way to change things, or to alchemize things, however: THIS IS THE CHANCE WITHIN THE HORROR. Tend to these emotions. Do not fall into the trap of adding to the anger and to pointing the anger outwards. Go inwards and allow the emotions that are underneath the anger. Anger is a REACTION, it’s not even a real emotion, it is what’s beneath the anger, what emotions CAUSE the anger that are important, that’s where the GOLD is. There is a lot of messages right now about alchemization. It’s very very important, it’s really where the gold lies. And I see this as rivers of gold. And now there is a lot of release happening and the feeling of relief coming in. 

I feel that the energy is being pulled back inwards, I am really centered. And this is the process that is really important for us right now. Draw the energy back inside. Ground. Look at yourself from inside. And there is a special emphasize on… if you look at yourself from this perspective it’s way gentler, it’s not judgmental, there is a lot of kindness to it and groundedness and love. It is very loving in a pure state. Like in Presence. True Presence is true Love is unconditional Love. This is what is most important for the times ahead. Even further than January. And remember that this is a process that eventually will lead to LIBERATION. Don’t forget that. It might be tough, it might not be pretty, it might not be fun, however IT WILL LEAD TO LIBERATION AND FREEDOM. And I just saw something flying, I guess, a bird. Grounding, grounding, grounding.


Once upon a time it became a tradition…


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